0825784045 / 0815785332


Setheo  se sa Kesekwaile Service Club se simolotswe ke mme Makgarebe Mothami, ka go bopa setlhopa sa bagodi gore ba dire sengwe mmogo le go netefatsa gore bagolo ba itirela molemo ka go tsaya karolo mo thutong le ekatiso ya mmele go efoga matshwenyego a malwetsi le bokowa jo bo sa tlhokegeng.

The NPO was established and registered during 2016 through tribal resolution that accepted the establishment thereof, with the committee established to run the affairs of the organisation.

The community allocated the NPO service club at least two class rooms for the purposes of accommodation and activities of the of the older persons activities.

The organisation has a bank account and is depended on the funding from the Department Social development.

The service club was funded from department of social development.