0825784045 / 0815785332


To develop village planning Model for new extension of the village- with proposed street names and Stands numbers that reflect history of villagecommunity will be consulted at Dipitso/  kgotla meetings.

To start process of consultation for future water stand pipes extension and reticulation

Prioritise the streets for paving and storm water control

Youth Playing Park and Development of Sports Clubs fields

Continue with Phase 2 of Modernisation of Kgotla

Call for Proposal for Community, Youth & Child Care centre

Old school maintenance for community projects- job creation

Ensuring Securing community cemeteries /gravesites



We the community of Picong village based on the promises made for better communities and better service delivery we voted for local government  that will deliver on these priorities and more:-

  1. Job creation- By paving our streets and improving internal roads through local labour in our village.
  2. Improving access to clean and portable water – By redistribution of water into the yards and improve  distance to stand taps by RDP standards.
  3. Building of RDP houses for the poor in their allocated village sites.
  4. Ensuring tarring of our  main gravel road / D208 which has been priorities for past 27 years by Provincial department.
  5. Expansion of electrification to households/ lighting for safety in our environment .
  6. Increase sanitation services and Refuse Management to rural village- Establishment of Refuse Station/depot  in the village.
  7. Recreation facilities(Children Park/ Game park, sport facilities;Community Library.
  8. Community facilities& infrastructure- Fencing & Ablution facilities for our cemetery.
  9. Development and Maintenance of streets of streets & signages.
  10. Provision of Rangers and security services for public facilities- through local employment .

NB: A Local Traditional leader will hold quarterly Performance Feedback Meeting to monitor and get feedback from elected public representatives  voted for the ward in which our village is situated.

Traditional Leader KK Motlhabane:

, Picong Village- Kgotla  Ya ga Tshite- Batlhaping ba ga Maidi : Municipal Ward 14.