0825784045 / 0815785332

Youth dialogue

Ketelo ya Mayor le Mmusakgotla wa Greater Taung Local municipality
Kgotla ya Picong ya bogosi e nnele le ketelo ya ga motlotlegi Mayora, Clr Gaoraelwe le Mme Mmusakgotla ( Speaker) Clr Moipolai ka 15/Phatwe /2023.
Ntlha ya keteleo ene ele go tla go utlwa matshwenyego a balekgotla mabapi le tirisano ee sa namatseng le mokansalara wa Ward 14, Clr Mojanaga.
Ke boammaruri gore mo dikgweding tse di fetang (20)Masome a mabedi , mokhansalara a tlhopilwe go tsena mo maemong, Mokhansalara o ntse a dira ditiro mmasepala a sa dirisane le bogosi mo ward 14 mo motseng wa Picong ,ebile a dira dikopano tse di thulanang le dipitso tsa Morafe tsa bogosi.
Motlotlegi Mmusakgotla o rile se ga se taelo ya bone, ebile o kaile gore go mashwabi gore Mokhansalara a be a sa tsenela kopano la letsatsi le 15/08/2023 ka otla be a ikarabela gore matsapa di a tsaya kae.
Lefa go ntse jalo bogosi le balekgotla ba tla rata tharabololo le tswelelopele mo ntlheng ya go dirisana le go tsweletsa setshaba pele.

The visit by the mayor and speaker Cllrs Gaoraelwe and Clr Moipolai respectively on 15 august 2023, was to listen to the challenges traditional leadership experienced, of lack of cooperation between the ward14 councillor and traditional leadership in Picong.
It was unfortunate that on this day Clr Mojanaga had tendered an apology and was not present to answer for himself. It has been (20) twenty months since the councillor was elected, that he has never engaged the local leadership and has instead organised meetings that are parallel or clashing on days/times with kgotla calendared meeting.
Both the mayor and the speakers of GTLM have committed themselves to come back to Picong with Clr Mojanaga to map the way forward and to try and ensure cooperative governance for the benefit of the community.