Proposed village extension
New Developments around Ba ga Maidi
Please take note of the following developments currently underway by the leadership kgosikgolo Nyoko Motlhabane that will have positive impact in all our villages.
Construction learnershp programme
Currently are 50 young people who are undergoing learnership Programme in construction sector-
We have recruited 4 people from each village- There are two sites currently on at Tshite Primary school-Picong village and the other at Matsheng community hall.
The 50 are three months learnership with a stipend of R1500 per month.
Mining leanership Programme- (800 young people)
The targets is to recruit at least 50 young people from each village of the twelve villages of Ba ga Maidi for the programme of learnership in mining from the beginning of May 2023.
Young people have been requested at Kgotla in Picong to register themselves in the database of unemployed youth for this purpose.
Construction leanership going well in Training site at Old Picong primary school. Men& women are getting much needed building skills. Ba ga Maidi ba Ruta tiro ya dikago mo metseng ya bone.
Bogosi bo leka maano a go shomarela dikago tsa sekolo se se agilweng ke botsadi jwa rona ka go tlhabolola di phapose ka go dira tse di latelang mo kgweding ya Lwetsi 2023:-
⦁ Go tsenya di galase tsa matlhaba-phefo
⦁ Go ntshafatsa ka go painta Hall ya sekolo
⦁ Go kgaola ditlhare mo legoreng la sekolo gore se bonale sentle.
Kgosi o kopile badiri ba rona ba EPWP go kgaola ditlhare ka go ba rekela didiriswa jaaka Dilepe le dishage tsa letsogo./// The local royal leadership initiated renovation of the old primary school that was built by our forebears. This is the effort to preserve and protect the resources for future generations. During the Month of September 2023, we plan to:-
⦁ Renovate the class rooms of the southern block by replacement of the window glazing
and interior painting work for the school hall.
Letsatsi la barui le ne la tsenelwa ke barui ba se legae ba Picong le mafelo aa mabapi ka letlha la 27 Phukwi 2023, ka thuso ya ba lefapha la Temotuo la kgaolo ya Taung. Morulaganyi ele rre Lefentswe Mosupa- motlhatlhobi wa leruo a thusana le komiti ya le gae ya temotuo. Ebong Mr Thatayakgosi Motlhabane; Rre Modisaotsile Gasetlolwe; Mme Naledi Segomotso Sebico; Rre Boiki Mohitlhi le Mme Ipeleng Mocwiri le ka thuso ya ga rre Rraneo Gaoboihe a emetse kgotla ya Motse.
Bogosi bo ile jwa rotloetsa morafe go tsenela dithuto tse le go thusa ka ditulo le ditafole
Letsatsi le ne le tsenetswe ke borre le Bo mme ba ka feta masome a robedi (80)
Letsatsi le le ne le le mosola thata go barui ba rona ka go bane go ne go le tshedimosetso ya tlhabololo ya dikgomo, go tshwanang dikgomo ka tshipi ya molelo, dikotla tsa tlaleletso le meento ya go thibela go folotsa mo dikgomong
Dithuto tse di tlile ka Baitsanape go tswa mo Profensing ya Bokone-bophirima NW le go tswa Onderstepoort kwa Tshwane/Pretoria. “Re leboga Rre Lefa Mosupa le badiri mmogo ka tiro e e manontlhotlho!!!////
Farmer’s Day was organised for Picong subsistence farmers, by the animal health Technician Mr Lefentswe Mosupa in collaboration with the local agricultural committee on 27 July 2023. Presenters were experts from both NW province and others from the Onderstepoort in Pretoria.The day was attended by about 80 males and females who are farming in Picong and neighbouring villager’s .This day was very beneficial to the community in that it was addressed by experienced people and experts in the field of animal health, supplementary feeding, Livestock improvement, Bull choice, animal Identification/Branding of animals as well as a lecture on Brucellosis prevention by immunisation. The organizing committte are mentioned in Setswana version.
“”The community would like to thank Mr Lefa Mosupa and the team for the work well done!!!.
Kgotla ya Motse e agilwe ebile e mo maemong a a kgatlisang. Badiri ba EPWP ba ile ba kopiwa go kgaola le go phepafatsa tikologo ya kgotla gore go nne gontle.
The community project of phase 2 of the kgotla was completed and the area is now modernised to the acceptable standard as a cultural /kgotla meeting place.
Through cooperation with the department of public works, the EPWP local was used to clear bush encroachment to Kgotla and keep the environment clean.