0825784045 / 0815785332

















  Konrad Kesekwaile Motlhabane 

Kesekwaile is the  second born child of the late Mopalami and Tesanyo Motlhabane all born and bred in Picong village.

Being the first born son in the family of 11 children he had  to  work hard for the benefit of assisting parents in the uplifting of the family through ensuring schooling and work opportunities.

Kesekwaile is married to Kentsheng Agnes nicknamed Pinky and the family has three children of two boys and a girl.

Kesekwaile, grow up and stayed in the village for the most part of his youthful years raised through a domestic working mother  assisted by grandparents when the father Mopalami was still working as was a full time foreman at SAR South African railway now TRASNET before retiring to take up the role of traditional leadership in 1985 to assist his by then old father Kesekwaile (Senior)who was aging and needed his heir apparent to assist him until such times the Lord call him home Mopalami took full responsibility after the passing of Kesekwaile (senior) from 1992 until he passed away in mid 2010 , where after Kesekwaile Konrad ascended to the role as the local traditional leader and Kgosi of Picong community under  Kgosi e kgolo Nyoko Motlhabane who is a senior traditional leader for Batlhaping Ba ga Maidi.

Kesekwaile is the fourth hereditary leader of this village since the Kgosi Tshite Motlhabane who led Three settlements of bigger Pitsong &Sekantshing and Dikhuting at the time from around 1913 until his passing away1938 when Kesekwaile Snr  then took over until 1992. As custodians of culture,customs and tradition the abovementioned traditional leaders of this linage are members of the following cultural initiation schools’s Regiments/ Mephato and therefore are its commanders/assistant commanders:

Regiment/ Mephato:

Tshite Motlhabane belong and led mophato wa Majapoo.

Kesekwaile 1 was of mophato wa Maakakapula.

Mopalami  was of Mophato wa Mashela

Kesekwaile II is of Mophato wa Madirakgosi.

The  modern focus of traditional leadership is among others to

Ensure nation building,

Strengthen social cohesion

Driving specific community development projects initiatives for this century to better the people’s life where they  work live and  Play.