Sejana/ Calabash-
Sejana se dirisewa go tsenya Dijo, Metsi le Mashi le tse di nowang-Se shupa motswedi wa botshelo ke dijo le metsi le go shupa motswedi wa kabelano le ba bangwe.
It represent the food resources of all kinds especially for staple foods, water and milk which are the basic food supplements for survival.
It also represent the source of giving others.
Ba ga Maidi ke dinamane tsa tholo go tswa ko moding ,Ke ba bina tholo ka kgora boo Maidi , ke matlhogela a ga Tawana-Phologolo e dinaka di matshope-tshopeo tsa ba ga Tawana go tswa ko go Tawana:/ Tholo Kudu is our totem animal, which symbolises our heritage and roots as Batlhaping and we share this equally with Barolong as we have common ancestry.
Tlhapi/ Fish
Re ba bina Tholo ba “ana” Tlhapi- Go simolola ko nokeng e Tshetlha/Vaal river le meeditsane a yone a kolong.
We have Kudu as our totem animal and reverse fish as alternative food during pasturing and nomadic years of our forefathers along the Vaal River and its tributaries such as Harts river/Kolong-so fish became our simple for survival.
Yet Tholo by birth and fish for survival.
NB Its for this reason that we have both Kudu & Fish on our logo as Batlhaping.
Thebe/Shield :-
Thebe e shupa tshireletso mo tlhabanong ka dibetsa ebile e dirwa ka letlalo la kgomo, Modimo oo nko e metsi- Shield is for protection of all our people as traditional leadership we lead by defending and protecting all our people using shield from all attaches physical of social ills , Symbolises a sign of refuge/botshabelo ba dikhutsana.
Thobane/Knobkerrie/Walking stick-
Thobane ya boeteledipele ke mashupa ditsela. Ke ya tshireletso ya potlako le go bontsha makgabaganyo a ditsela. Thobane ke seikokotlelo mo tseleng ya botshelo. It’s used as instrument of leadership, Thobane ke seshupo sa Bodisa- E bontsha fa “”Kgosi ele modisa yo mogolo” It is further used to point the directions, It blocks unexpected attacks, and can be signal of peace.
Lerumo /Spear-
It’s used as instrument of war and peace making. The spear of the nation/ tribe/community. Ke lerumo la segae, Le dirisiwa go lwa ntwa ya maatla le go iphemela.
Lerumo la phemelo ya morafe le setshaba fa go tlhokega.